State Machines & Testing State Transitions in Solidity Smart Contracts

Previously …


Previously we have set up a truffle project, which contains a Cars smart contract (the implementation). Next we created a specification file that references it, and wrote a test which performs assertions on its initial state.

State transitions

Reading materials:

A Scilla smart contract (and in general most smart contracts that you see today) are stateful systems. This basically means that a smart contract at any point of time can be said to be in a particular "state". This "state" for instance can be a set of variables (and its current value) or say map (in the case of ERC20 token contract) that stores which user owns how many tokens. A state transition is a function that allows users to change the state of the contract. For instance, the transfer state transition function will allow users to transfer tokens from one user to another and hence changing the map.

— Amrit Kumar

Each time you call a function that is not view or pure, it can potentially change the state of the contract. These are known as state transitions. The solidity compiler does not check or enforce this, so it is a way of thinking about smart contracts when coding them, and up to you to include the logic as you wish.

Let's write some tests involving state transitions.

Create a new entity

The car objects (struct Car) are being managed by this smart contract. Thus we expect that most of our tests are going to be around checking the state transitions of these Cars.

The first state transition for a car object is when it is created. Think of this as a transition from a "does not exist" state to a "does exist" state.

First let's create a new specification file, named test/Cars-state-machines.spec.js:

const Cars = artifacts.require('Cars');

const BN = web3.utils.BN;

contract('Cars - state machines', (accounts) => {

  it('Adds a new car', async () => {
    const instance = await Cars.deployed();

    // perform the state transition

    // retrieve the updated state

    // perform the assertions


Next, we perform the state transition:

    const tx =
      await instance.addCar(
        '0xff00ff', // colour: purple
        new BN(4), // doors: 4
        new BN(0), // distance: 0
        new BN(0), // lat: 0
        new BN(0), // lon: 0
          from: accounts[1],
          value: web3.utils.toWei('0.11', 'ether'),

Next, we retrieve the updated state:

    const numCars =
    const car1 =
      await BN(1));

Finally, we perform assertions on the updated state:

    assert.equal(numCars.toString(), '1');
    assert.equal(car1.colour, '0xff00ff');
    assert.equal(car1.doors.toString(), '4');
    assert.equal(car1.distance.toString(), '0');
    assert.equal(, '0');
    assert.equal(car1.lon.toString(), '0');
    assert.equal(car1.status.toString(), '1'); // parked
    assert.equal(car1.owner, accounts[1]);

Now run the test command again

truffle test

This new test should pass. As with the previous one, attempt to break your test in various ways, by modifying the implementation, specification, and both at the same time.

How about return values?

In the test that we just wrote, you'll notice that we invoked the addCar() function on the smart contract, and obtained a transaction result, which we did not do anything with.

After that, we asserted the updated state of the contract.

The astute might have noticed that this function has a return value:

    function addCar(
        bytes3 colour,
        uint8 doors,
        uint256 distance,
        uint16 lat,
        uint16 lon
    ) public payable returns(uint256 carId) {      // ...

… so how do we get that uint256 carId, and do an assertion on it?

If you take a look at the transaction object that gets returned, you will notice that the return value simply is not there! Here's an example value:

{ tx: '0xd8d198e769cda5b7d9a520a030523a80fd65c9c63fce65f6b06c5f73bce7b560',
   { transactionHash: '0xd8d198e769cda5b7d9a520a030523a80fd65c9c63fce65f6b06c5f73bce7b560',
     transactionIndex: 0,
     blockHash: '0xf790a11fe872bd60de413f72cb3eea2960836f514b0a2520c3c7ef481995c65e',
     blockNumber: 26,
     gasUsed: 95310,
     cumulativeGasUsed: 95310,
     contractAddress: null,
     logs: [],
     status: true,
     logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
     rawLogs: [] },
  logs: [] }

It turns out that we actually can not obtain the return value from a function that modifies state on a smart contract, because this would need to be included as part of the consensus data, which Ethereum has chosen not ot do.

So how do we work around this? Turns out that there are three common patterns used in dealing with this.

First, we have the approach which we have already done, without knowing it at the time, which is to infer the return value based on the new state, which is this case is the value of numCars - we have implemented the addCar() function in a manner such that the carId theat is returned will be equal to the new value of numCars.

Second, we have an approach which requires modifying the implementation of the function, such that it emits an event, which does get included within the returned transaction - we will see how this is done in another hands-on.

Third, we have an approach which calls the addCars function without creating a transaction. In other words, we call the function such that it execute locally only, and the smart contract does not get executed by nodes running on the network. Let's try this appraoach now!

    // preview the return value without modifying the state
    const returnValue =
      await        '0xff00ff', // colour: purple
        new BN(4), // doors: 4
        new BN(0), // distance: 0
        new BN(0), // lat: 0
        new BN(0), // lon: 0
          from: accounts[1],
          value: web3.utils.toWei('0.11', 'ether'),
    assert.equal(returnValue.toString(), '1');

This looks almost the same as the actual contract call, the difference being that we use instead of instance.addCar(). Since we are doing the .call() variant, it is not sent as a transaction to the network, and thus is does not result in the state of the contract being changed. (Feel free to try it out by performing more assertions after this).

When doing this, you may think of it as a preview - "If I were to call this function on the smart contract, what would the result be?"

Add more tests

This test that we have written is the very first state transition that you can write tests for. There are many other methods on this smart contract which cause state changes, so have a go at writing soe tests for those too!


  • Try adding another addCar() test within the same contract block, and also try adding the same test within a new contract block. What is the difference?

  • Now that you have a car, try changing driving it, parking it, and honking it.
  • Some state changes are illegal, your tests should not only be for the "happy path", but should also assert that function calls that are not allowed, should indeed throw errors!


🎉🎉🎉 You have learned about state machines, and tested some state transitions!

Next, we will take a look at events.

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