Videos from session #05

Videos: Testing: Mocha, data storage, state machines, events, (mocking)

We held our 5th session - on testing smart contracts - yesterday, on Tuesday evening at BitTemple. We built upon the example contract from Session #04, by writing some tests to ensure that it behaves as it should. But before delving right into testing smart contracts with truffle, we spent a bit of time exploring what software testing is, and writing good old Javascript tests, using Mocha.

More on that later, when we get the round up summary post out! here, in our round up post for this session, which does a summary/ recap of what went on.

The videos

🎞 Intro

🎞 Mocha

🎞 Data Storage

🎞 State Machine and Events

🎞 Events and Mocking

🎞 Next


A big thanks to Wing for helping with the recordings, to Solomon from BitTemple for coordinating and setting up the venue.

Also thanks to EngineersSG, especially Michael Cheng, for their excellent DIY tech meetup recording guide without which we would probably have no recordings!


As mentioned in our video post for session #04, all of our videos are now available on Engineers.SG!

Check us out: DApps Dev Club on Engineers.SG


Cobbling together the images and creating the banner image for these posts has thus far been a manual process, and thus extremely time consuming.

I have been putting off writing a script to automate this, using this as an excuse:

XKDC: Automation

… but finally recognised procrastination for what it was, and bit the bullet, and went ahead and wrote one - will be adding that to our github organisation once it has been cleaned up (it is simply too scrappy at the moment 😊).

Next session

RSVPs are now open for our next session - please let us know if you're attending, as it helps us plan for seating, ordering F&B, etc:

RSVP on eventbrite

See you all again soon! 🤘