Videos from session #04

Solidity: Solidity-by-feature + solc + ganache + truffle

We held our 4th session - on Solidity - a few days ago, on Tuesday evening at Chainstack. We covered features of Solidity as a programming language, as well as a few development tools used to work with Solidity - solc, truffle, and ganache.

We've previously posted a round up summary about the session. This post is about the videos that we have recorded during the session.

The videos

🎞 Intro

🎞 Recap

🎞 Solidity-by-feature

🎞 solc

🎞 ganache

🎞 truffle

🎞 Next


A big thanks to Zi Hui & Wing for helping with the recordings, to Ashlie from Chainstack, and Dennis from Acronis

Also thanks to EngineersSG, especially Michael Cheng, for their excellent DIY tech meetup recording guide without which we would probably have no recordings!


All of our sessions are now available on Engineers.SG!

All Episodes on Engineers.SG

For those of you who have not heard of them before:

Engineers.SG is a not-for-profit community initiative created to help document the Singapore tech and startup scene.

Created to answer the question, "where are the engineers in Singapore?", Engineers.SG seeks to be the place for anyone to get to know, learn and interact with the Singapore tech community. On the site, you can find a curated list of videos recording of local tech meetups and events.

Chances are, if you go to a tech meetup in Singapore, and it is being recorded, the Engineers.SG crew is behind it. We're stoked to be on board with them!

DApps Dev Club on Engineers.SG


AV is an area in which we started this series off with close to zero expertise, and we have been constantly learning.

Our journey so far:

When we recorded the first session, we found that the video framerate was very low, to the point that it was choppy, and we managed to figure out what was causing that and fix it in time for the second session. However, the volume that was recorded was unusually low, and the recorded videos were barely audible. We weren't able to fix this in post-processing without a lot of noise and distortions, and this problem persisted in both sessions 2 and 3.

However, in time for session 4, we managed to work out how to record at a higher volume, without picking up too much background noise, and thus were able to adjust the volume levels in post processing. The quality of the videos that have we have for this session are the best that we have had to date, and quite frankly good enough. So in remaining sessions, we aim to maintain this quality that we have achieved.

Thanks to Michael Cheng of Engineers.SG for his help with figuring out the post-processing. In particular, the Engineers.SG git wiki - which we have already been using as a reference for our hardware purchase and connection set ups - also happens to contain some handy scripts which we used to do things better this time around.

Thanks to Dennis from Acronis for his hands-on support in helping out with adjusting the settings and connection configuration for the audio that allowed the recorded audio to have a much better signal-to-noise ratio than we had previously achieved.

Next session

RSVPs are now open - please let us know if you're attending, as it helps us plan for seating, ordering F&B, etc:

RSVP on eventbrite

See you all again soon!