Videos from session #06

Front-end setup + Web3.js scaffold + Smart contract interactions: Queries, mutations, and listening to events

We held our 6th session - on testing smart contracts - on Tuesday evening at Chainstack.

During the session we learnt how to build a front-end web application for our DApp. We began by building a "regular" web application - HTML, CSS, and Javascript - then scaffolding web3.js library on it, connecting it to the web3 provider injected by MetaMask. Finally, we used this to allow the user to interact with our smart contracts in a variety of ways: querying it, changing its state, and listening to events emitted by it.

For all of the details, please check out the summary post for this session.

The videos

🎞 Intro

🎞 Setup and Scaffold

🎞 Smart Contract Interactions


In session #05, there was a question, about compiled vs deployed byte code, and how truffle deals with that. Then in this session, we addressed that. Here's a link which jumps right to that bit:

✂🎞✂ Truffle's build/contracts folder


A big thanks to Gerald Nah for helping with the recordings,, to Ashlie from Chainstack, and Dennis from Acronis

Also thanks to EngineersSG, especially Michael Cheng, for their excellent DIY tech meetup recording guide without which we would probably have no recordings!


As mentioned in our previous video posts, all of our videos are now available on Engineers.SG!

Check us out: DApps Dev Club on Engineers.SG


In this session, the intro and outro videos are missing. The intro video was corrupt somehow, and only parts of it were salvageable, thus it only starts at the part where we recap the previous session. The outro video recorded was completely lost after approximately 10 seconds.

We're unsure what caused this, and are still working it out. Apologies if you you missed this session, and are unable to watch the recordings in full!

S Sorry, but we've got no retakes!

The saving grace is that we still have all of the main content recorded - the materials for this session plus the hands-on exercises are all there.

Next session

RSVPs are now open for our next session - please let us know if you're attending, as it helps us plan in advance:

RSVP on eventbrite

See you all again soon! 🤘